Friday, February 26, 2010

What removeNode does

What removeNode does

You can remove a Node using either the WAS Admin Console or using command line .
The command performs the following operations:

  1. Connects to the deployment manager process to read the configuration data.

  2. Stops all of the running server processes of the node, including the node agent process.

  3. Removes servers in the node from clusters .

  4. Restores the original stand-alone node configuration. This original configuration was backed up when the node was originally added to the cell. When a node is removed, it is restored to its original configuration,except when it was added to the cell.

  5. Removes the node’s configuration from the master repository of the cell. The local copy of the repository held on each node will get updated at the next synchronization point for each node agent. Although the complete set of configuration files are not pushed out to other nodes, some directories and files are pushed out to all nodes.

  6. Removes installed applications from application servers in the cell that are part of the node being removed.

  7. Copies the original application server cell configuration into the active configuration.

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