Monday, December 1, 2014

ODCF8005E - The P2P layer was unable to bind to a UDP port in WebSphere 8.5

While starting JVM in WebSphere 8.5, you may encounter following error.
[7/1/13 0:21:33:113 SGT] 00000001 P2PBase              E   ODCF8005E: There was an unexpected exception while initializing the SON overlay; the exception is The P2P layer was unable to bind to a UDP port.
            at java.lang.J9VMInternals.newInstanceImpl(Native Method)
            at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
This issue happens when OVERLAY_TCP_LISTENER_ADDRESS is conflict or doesn’t exist. You can fix this by verifying and ensuring it exists without conflict.
  1. Start DMGR
  2. Stop if any JVM’s running under problematic node
  3. Stop Nodeagent
  4. Login into Admin Console and navigate to
System Administration >> nodeagents >> nodeagent >> ports
Do you see OVERLAY_TCP_LISTENER_ADDRESS andOVERLAY_UDP_LISTENER_ADDRESS here? Make a note of port number of these if you see.
If you don’t see, create them by following instructions:
  1. Click on New
  2. Check user-defined port
  4. Host name – localhost
  5. Port – 21001 (give any unused port number on server)

  1. Click on New
  2. Check user-defined port
  4. Host name – localhost
  5. Port – 21002 (give any unused port number on server)
Now, let’s verify port number between nodeagent and problematic JVM
Go to Servers >> server types >> Websphere application servers >> server01 >> ports
Do you see OVERLAY_TCP_LISTENER_ADDRESS andOVERLAY_UDP_LISTENER_ADDRESS here? If yes verify to ensure it doesn’t conflict with your nodeagent port. If you don’t see them, then create new port by following instructions.
  1. Click on New
  2. Check user-defined port
  4. Host name – localhost
  5. Port – 21003 (give any unused port number on server)

  1. Click on New
  2. Check user-defined port
  4. Host name – localhost
  5. Port – 21004 (give any unused port number on server)
Save the configuration
Sync the node
./ localhost <soap port number>
Start the nodeagent
Start JVM

WebSphere 8.5.x Dynamic Cluster


Dynamic cluster is the new Intelligent Management feature, which enables WebSphere 8.5 to dynamically stop, start and allocate resource as and when, required for an application running on a dynamic cluster. Dynamic cluster works in two modes: Add operation & Remove operation.

Add operation- in Add operation, it add resources when all servers in a dynamic cluster are started and demand is still not satisfied. This is possible through automatic actions, which you have defined under the Add operation. 
Remove operation- in Remove operation, it stops the servers when demand is very minimal or if running resources are not required to serve the requests. This operation will never shutdown below the number of minimum active server instance configured in Remove operation. 

Operational Mode

Operation Mode is the method that interacts with the dynamic operation environment. This has three modes: Manual, Supervised & Automatic.
Manual- it’s similar to the normal application server environment with static cluster. Manual operation mode is as good as WebSphere application server traditional cluster.
Supervised- provides information and recommendation for actions that WebSphere administrator can approve or deny.
Automatic- the intelligent management takes action automatically. Dynamic operations environment handles add/remove operation and provisioning.

Creating Dynamic Cluster

Login into Deployment Manager Console
Go to Servers >> Clusters >> Dynamic clusters
Dynamic Cluster
Select Operational mode as Automatic and click on New
New Dynamic Cluster
Select Server type as WebSphere application server and click on Next
Select Cluster Server Type
Leave default method – Automatically define cluster members with rules
Provide Dynamic cluster name – First Dynamic Cluster and click on Next
Select Membership
You can select multiple Node Group if you have, in this course we have only one Node group as Default Group. Leave default setting and click on Next
Define Dynamic Cluster
Select dynamic cluster template as default and click on Next
Dynamic Cluster Template
Specify dynamic cluster specific properties are the one you configure how dynamic cluster should behave. We will leave the default settings as following and click on Next.
Keep one instance started at all times – dynamic cluster will be always active with one instance. By configuring this we ensure there is no application outage.
Do not limit thee number of instances that can start- dynamic cluster will start all instances in defined node as demand increases. By configuring this we ensure all resources are utilized when demand is high.
No isolation requirements- as we have only one Node Group we can continue with no isolation requirements.
Dynamic Cluster Properties
Review the configuration summary and click on Finish to create Dynamic Cluster
Dynamic Cluster Summary
Save the configuration and synchronize changes with nodes. Once done, you can see newly created Dynamic cluster is listed.
Dynamic Cluster List
You can also see dynamic cluster member is created under Application servers and started one instance as we have selected to keep one instance started all times.
Dynamic Cluster Membr
Now in this dynamic cluster setup, one instance will be always running. However, as demand increase other cluster instance also will be started.

What is Health Management in WebSphere 8.5?

Learn Health Management in IBM WebSphere Application Server


Health Management is part of WebSphere Virtual Enterprise environment, which is integrated in WebSphere Application Server 8.5. WebSphere 8.5 is integrated with Operational policies, which leverage Health Policies. Health Management is policy-driven approach to monitor the WebSphere enterprise application server usage and able to respond to the problem areas before outage occurs. Health Management has two elements: health controller and health policies.

Reaction Mode

Health Policies include the health condition, which you want to monitor in your environment. It reacts when your defined conditions are not met. There are two reaction modes: automatic or supervised mode.
Automatic mode: System will take an action when health policy violation is detected. For ex, if you configure to monitor memory usage and would like to restart JVM when message usage is 85% then system will restart targeted JVM when JVM heap size reach at 85%.
Supervised mode: System will create runtime task when health policy violation is detected. This requires manual intervention for WebSphere administrator to approve or deny the runtime task action.

Health Conditions

Health Condition is the object or metrics you want to monitor in your environment. There are eight following predefined health condition available in WebSphere 8.5. You do have an option to create custom health condition.
Health Conditions
Age-based condition- this condition will monitor the defined JVM and take action when reaches a configured age threshold. Ex, you can configure this condition to restart JVM if it’s running for 15 days. Acceptable value for this condition is in Days or Hours as shown below.
Health Conditions Prop
Excessive request timeout condition- this condition will take action when the request timeout percentage exceeds the defined value. Acceptable value is in percentage as shown below.
Health Conditions Prop Timeout
Excessive response time condition- this will monitor the time it takes for request to complete and take action if the time exceeds the defined threshold. Ex, you can configure this condition to take thread dump when response time for request is one minute. Acceptable value is in Milliseconds, Seconds and Minutes as shown below.
Health Conditions Prop Response
Memory condition: excessive memory usage- monitors the memory usage of JVM and take action if it exceeds the threshold value. Ex, you can configure this condition to take JVM heap dump and restart JVM when memory usage exceeds the threshold. Acceptable value for JVM heap size is in percentage and offending time period in Seconds and Minutes as shown below.
Health Conditions Prop Jvm
Memory condition: memory leak- this will look for memory leaks on JVM and take action. This got three detection levels.
1.     Fast (more false alarms)
2.     Standard (some false alarms)
3.     Slow (fewer false alarms)
Storm drain condition- monitor significant drop in the average response time and take action like generate thread dump and restart JVM. This got two Detection level.
1.     Standard (some false alarms)
2.     Slow (fewer false alarms)
Workload condition- this condition will detect once a JVM has served a configured number of requests. Ex, you can configure to restart JVM once it serves 20000000 requests.
Health Conditions Requests
Garbage collection percentage condition- this monitor percentage of time spent in garbage collection for defined time period and take action once exceeds the threshold. Acceptable value is percentage and sampling time period as shown below.
Health Conditions Prop Gc

Health Action

Health Action is the health policy action to be run once exceeds the configured threshold. There are seven following predefined health action available in WebSphere 8.5. You do have an option to create custom health action.
Health Action
  • Restart Server- to restart JVM
  • Take thread dumps– to take thread dumps of JVM
  • Take JVM heap dumps– to take JVM heap dumps
  • Generate an SNMP trap- generate SNMP trap for troubleshooting
  • Place server in maintenance mode- stop new client requests and serve only active session
  • Place server in maintenance mode and break affinity – stop new and existing action session
  • Place out of maintenance mode – ready to accept new requests

Health Policy Target

Health Policy or Action target can be JVM’s, Clusters, Dynamic clusters, on demand routers or Cells. 
As next step, in next article I will talk about How to Create Health Policies

Monitor Apache Web Server Load and Page Statistics

Monitor Apache Web Server Load and Page Statistics

As a System Admin it becomes very important to check the Apache server statistics for performance and troubleshooting any issues
Apache’s mod_status can be used to provide these details
Apache’s mod_status shows a plain HTML page containing the information about current statistics of web server state including.
  •     Total number of incoming requests
  •     Total number of bytes and counts server
  •     CPU usage of Web server
  •     Server Load
  •     Server Uptime
  •     Total Traffic
  •     Total number of idle workers
  •     PIDs with respective client and many more.
By default the status page is disabled to hide internal information from unauthorized users.
Enable mod_status in Apache
The default Apache installation comes with mod_status enabled
To validate it .
a) login in to the Apache server
b) Navigate to the Apache configuration file ie /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
[root@mqnode AppServer]# vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
c) Search for the word “mod_status”
#LoadModule status_module modules/
If its commented then uncomment it
d) Restart the apache instance using
[root@mqnode AppServer]# service httpd stop
Stopping httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
[root@mqnode AppServer]# service httpd start
Starting httpd:                                            [  OK  ]
Configure server-status
1) Login the the Apche Server
2)Open the /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
3) Search for server-status
# Allow server status reports generated by mod_status,
# with the URL of http://servername/server-status
# Change the “” to match your domain to enable.
#<Location /server-status>
#    SetHandler server-status
#    Order deny,allow
#    Deny from all
#    Allow from
Remove the comment character (“#”) in front of each line.
Be careful about the “Allow from” line.
Here you can customize to put the IP address and fine tune the security to ensure that unauthorized access to server-status url
Recommended to use your IP address that you are connecting from.
You might also want to consider password-protecting this page using htpasswd.
4) We would use the htpasswd for security
5) Setup the htpasswd
[root@mqnode ~]# htpasswd -c /etc/httpd/conf/server-status-htpasswd status
New password:
Re-type new password:
Adding password for user status
[root@mqnode ~]# cat /etc/httpd/conf/server-status-htpasswd
5) Use this  /etc/httpd/conf/server-status-htpasswd within the configurations for server-status inhttpd.conf
<Location /server-status>
SetHandler server-status
AuthType basic
AuthName “Apache status”
AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/server-status-htpasswd
Require valid-user
6) Enable ExtendedStatus
The “ExtendedStatus” settings adds more information to the statistics page like, CPU usage, request per second, total traffic, etc.
7)  To enable it, edit the the same httpd.conf file and search for the word “Extended” and Uncomment the line and set the status “On” for ExtendedStatus directive.
ExtendedStatus On
8) Restart Apache
[root@mqnode ~]# service httpd restart
Stopping httpd:                                          [  OK  ]
Starting httpd:                                          [  OK  ]
9) Access mod_status Page
It will prompt for the user name and password. Enter the Details

WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Version 8.5 (WAS ND 8.5)

Silent Installation of Websphere Application Server 8.5 on Linux

Below are the highlevel steps to install Websphere application server 8.5 ( you can customize it based on your requirement)
OS : Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Step1 : Download WAS 8.5 multiple platform from passport Advantage or use the media

Step 2: Unpack the images
Ensure there is sufficient space in the filesystem where you are extracting
You can use $df -h  command to check the filesystem usage
         a) For IBM Installation Manager
mkdir /tmp/IIM
$ cd /tmp/IIM
unzip /mnt/was/Software/WAS85/
b) WAS 8.5 ( including ND, Supplements and SDK )
mkdir /tmp/WAS85
cd /tmp/WAS85
$ unzip /mnt/was/Software/WAS85/
$ unzip /mnt/was/Software/WAS85/
$ unzip /mnt/was/Software/WAS85/
Here I have extracted the 3 zip files for WAS ND

Step 3:  Set up the hard and soft file limits
$ vi /etc/security/limits.conf
Append: -
*      soft     nofile          65535
*      hard    nofile          65535
This may vary based on the OS . Refer the infocenter for more details

Step 4:  Check the OS pre-requisites
a ) Refer the infocenter for more details
b ) The Installation manager would required the pre-requisite Linux libraries and RPMs.

Step 5: Install IBM Installation Manager (IIM)
$ cd /tmp/IIM/
$ ./installc -acceptLicense -nosplash
This will install IIM using the console option

Step 6:  Check IIM version
$ /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/IBMIM -version -silent -nosplash
Installation Manager (installed)
Version: 1.5.2
Internal Version: 1.5.2000.20120223_0907

Step 7:  Record the Response File
$ /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/IBMIM -record ~/install_WAS85.rsp -skipInstall /tmp
NOTE:  I added the currently available set of WAS 8.5 iFixes: -
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 games  205117 Oct  3 13:20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 games  304065 Oct  3 13:20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 games  251862 Oct  3 13:20
-rw-r–r– 1 501 games  300831 Oct  3 13:20
-rw-r–r– 1 501 games 1561566 Oct  3 13:20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 games 2252798 Oct  3 13:20
-rw-r–r– 1 501 games  437441 Oct  3 13:20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 games  227880 Oct  3 13:20
-rwxr-xr-x 1 501 games  235550 Oct  3 13:20
and that the code was located in /tmp/WAS85 and the iFixes were located in /tmp/WAS85/Fixes.
which results in: -
<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
<!–The “acceptLicense” attribute has been deprecated. Use “-acceptLicense” command line option to accept license agreements.–>
<agent-input acceptLicense=’true’>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<repository location=’/tmp/WAS85/Fixes/’/>
<profile id=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ installLocation=’/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer‘>
<data key=’eclipseLocation’ value=’/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer‘/>
<data key=’user.import.profile’ value=’false’/>
<data key=’cic.selector.os’ value=’linux’/>
<data key=’cic.selector.arch’ value=’x86’/>
<data key=’’ value=’gtk’/>
<data key=’’ value=’en’/>
<install modify=’false’>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’-‘/>
<offering id=’′ version=’′ profile=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ features=’core.feature,ejbdeploy,thinclient,embeddablecontainer,,samples,liberty’ installFixes=’none’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’/opt/IBM/IMShared‘/>
<preference name=’’ value=’30’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’45’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’0’/>
<preference name=’offering.service.repositories.areUsed’ value=’true’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’false’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’false’/>
<preference name=’http.ntlm.auth.kind’ value=’NTLM’/>
<preference name=’http.ntlm.auth.enableIntegrated.win32′ value=’true’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’true’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’false’/>
<preference name=’PassportAdvantageIsEnabled’ value=’false’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’false’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’false’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’true’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’true’/>
<preference name=’’ value=’true’/>
This results in creating the above response file in the path mentioned.
NOTE: If you want to change the Installation to alternative path we can change the installLocation and eclipseLocation
—Before rsp File —————–
<profile id=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ installLocation=’/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer‘>
<data key=’eclipseLocation’ value=’/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer‘/>
<preference name=’’ value=’/opt/IBM/IMShared‘/>
—Before rsp File —————–
For Eg :
a) WAS to be installed in /apps/WAS85 instead of /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
b) Shared location from /opt/IBM/IMShared to /apps/IMShared
—After Changes rsp File —————–
<profile id=’IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5′ installLocation=’/apps/WAS85‘>
<data key=’eclipseLocation’ value=’/apps/WAS85‘/>
<preference name=’’ value=’/apps/IMShared‘/>
—After Changes rsp File —————–

Step 8: Perform the installation
$ /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse/IBMIM -input ~/install_WAS85.rsp -log install_WAS85.log -silent -nosplash -acceptLicense
After some time you will see the result as
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.
Installed to the /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer directory.

Step 9:  Validate the installation
$ /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/bin/
WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2012; All rights reserved.
WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version, dated 2/8/12
IBM WebSphere Product Installation Status Report
Report at date and time October 3, 2012 3:16:37 PM BST
Product Directory        /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer
Version Directory        /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version
DTD Directory            /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/properties/version/dtd
Log Directory            /var/ibm/InstallationManager/logs
Product List
ND                       installed
Installed Product
Name                  IBM WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment
ID                    ND
Build Level           gm1218.01
Build Date            5/1/12
Architecture          x86-64 (64 bit)
Installed Features    IBM 64-bit WebSphere SDK for Java
WebSphere Application Server Full Profile
EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules
Embeddable EJB container
WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile
Sample applications
Stand-alone thin clients and resource adapters
End Installation Status Report
b) You can  also check the folders to ensure that the files are created in the location/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer

Step 10: You can create the profiles now as required using PMT or
NOTE : you can use the similar steps to silently Install Websphere 8.0 also