Friday, December 17, 2010

WAS (WebSphere) Plugin Configuration XML (plugin-cfg.xml) Parameters – ConnectTimeout and ServerIOTimeout

In this link, you can find out all the available parameters that you can modified / set in plugin-cfg.xml. The 2 parameters that I am interested in, which is related to how long the plugin connects to WebSphere Application Server: ConnectTimeout and ServerIOTimeout.

ConnectTimeout identifies how long (in seconds) the plugin will wait to get connect to WebSphere Application Server (WAS). If the plugin waits longer than the value, it will mark the server unavailable.

By default (without the parameter set in the plugin-cfg.xml) or setting the value to 0, it represents a blocking connect, that is, the thread will keep waiting to obtain a connection until the operating system time out the request.
ServerIOTimeout identifies how long (in seconds) the plugin will wait for the server to response to the request. If the plugin waits longer than the value before the response is completed, it will time out.

By default, the plugin uses blocked I/O. So basically it will block wait until TCP connection times out.

Other comments above two parameters:

Comment by Jim
July 31, 2008 @ 4:39 am
I am writing you exactly 1 year after you published this post :-)
I was trying to find out the differences between ConnectTimeOut and ServerIOTimeOut and reached here.
What I understand from your post is that ServerIOTimeOut is the number of seconds the plugin module waits before getting a response – calculated from the moment it started attempting to connect.
If I set ConnectTimeOut to 10 seconds and ServerIOTimeOut to 20 seconds, and if the app server is not responding, then the plugin will timeout the connection after 10 seconds. In this case, what is the significance of ServerIOTimeOut parameter?
Thanks in advance.

Comment by 
July 31, 2008 @ 7:06 am
Hello Jim. My understanding is that the 2 timeouts are tracking 2 different states. ConnectTimeOut measures the time it takes the plugin to connect to the application server, whereas the ServerIOTimeOut measures the time it takes for the server to respond to the plugin AFTER successfully connected to the plugin.
So in your example, if your plugin cannot connect to the app server in 10 seconds, it will time out (by ConnectTimeOut). After the plugin can successfully connect to the app server, if the request cannot be completed in 20 seconds, then it will timeout (by ServerIOTimeOut)

Hope this help.

Friday, October 29, 2010

WebGroup / virtual host not defined error in WebSphere

When you have a “WebGroup / virtual host not defined” error what to do?

If we find in log file can see this error:
PLGN0021E: Servlet Request Processor Exception: Virtual Host/WebGroup Not Found : The host xxxxxxx has not been defined.

Access application from app server: By pass the web server and access the application directly from the application server using app_server_name:port/context_root
Check any recent application install/update: If you have recently updated or installed the application, ensure that the Web server plug-in was regenerated and propagated to the Web server. Also, ensure
that the Web server is using the new plug-in configuration file.
Verify Plug-in is working: Attempt to access other applications running on the same application server through the Web server. If you can access another application, this will verify that the plug-in and Web server are working with the application server, but not necessarily that the plug-in configuration is correct.
Verify Virtual Host/ Host Alias etc..
Verify that the virtual host associated with the Web module has a host alias defined containing the host name and port matching the host name and port in the URL causing the failure.
  1. Find the URL pattern for the servlet.
  2. Find the context root of the Web module containing the servlet.
  3. Find the virtual host where the Web module is installed.
  4. Find the aliases by which the virtual host is known.
After finding above four, check the following:
  • Combine the virtual host alias, context root and URL pattern to form the correct URL request for the servlet.
  • Compare the correct URL for the servlet with the URL reported in the problem.
  • If they are the same, verify the resource file exists in the deployed application.
  • If not, correct the application calling the resource.

If you don’t know how to check url pattern/context root/virtual host/host alias….follow these instructions
  • Finding URL pattern
1. In the administrative console, select Applications -> Enterprise Applications.
2. Click on the application name.
3. Select Manage Modules.
4. Click the WebModule_name Web application
5. Click View Deployment Descriptor.
Look for the servlet in a <servlet-mapping> entry and note the url-pattern value.
Note: If the Web module has security configured, check the <security-constraint> and <security-role> deployment descriptor tags for the role that is needed for access to the selected Web resource.
  • Finding the context root of the web module
1. Select Applications ?Enterprise Applications.
2. Click on the application name.
3. Click on Context Root for Web Modules.
4. Note the context root for the appropriate Web module.
  • Finding the virtual host used for application
Find the virtual host where the Web module is installed:
1. Select Applications ?Enterprise Applications.
2. Click on the application name.
3. Click on Virtual hosts under Web Module Properties.
4. Note the virtual host for the Web module.
  • Finding the host aliases for the virtual host
1. From the console navigation tree, select Environment ?Virtual Hosts.
2. Click on the virtual host.
3. Select Host Aliases under Additional Properties.
An alias is composed of a host name and port number. Each alias represents a valid host:port combination for the Web module to be accessed from web server.

[9/28/09 22:23:29:538 EST] 00000040 SRTServletReq E SRVE0133E: An error occurred while parsing parameters. Async operation timed out

[9/28/09 22:23:29:538 EST] 00000040 SRTServletReq E   SRVE0133E: An error occurred while parsing parameters. Async operation timed out

As you can see this error will originate from Web Container’s http transport channel. And the reason for this error to come is Network delay. By default, in WebSphere application server, ConnectionTimeout will be set to 5 seconds for http transport channels. So if your network is slow, you may see this error in the logs

If you would like to change this timeout settings, follow these steps:

  • Application Servers -> serverA -> Web Container -> HTTP Transport -> Application Name
  • go to custom properties
  • Add these two parameters (where xx is the time in seconds)
  • ConnectionIOTimeOut=xx and ConnectionKeepAliveTimeout=xx
  • Repeat this for all servers, if your application is mapped to multiple servers.
  • Restart the server (s)

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

WebSphere Performance Tuning

We all know that, the performance of your e-business hosting environment is key to the overall success of your organization’s e-business. So there is always a major focus on tuning your application hosting environment. WebSphere Application Server provides tunable settings for its major components to enable you to make adjustments to better match the run-time environment to the characteristics of your application. For many applications, the default settings will be sufficient to run them with optimal performance. Whereas some application may need some tuning like more heap size or more connection etc. Performance tuning can yield significant gains in performance even if an application is not optimized for performance. But remember, its not only the websphere application server tuning but also the other factors like application design and hard also effects the overall performance.
In this article i’ll try to how we can tune the application hosting environment for better performance. So, this article focuses on the tunable parameters of the major WebSphere Application Server components, and provides insight about how these parameters affect performance. 

Here, we will discuss majority of the tuning parameters of the websphere. Let’s take them in 3 categories.
1. JVM and DB connectivity
2. Messaging/JMS
3. Others (like Caching, transport channels etc)  

1. JVM and DB Connectivity:

In section1, we discuss JVM and DB connectivity related tuning parameters. Namely
a. JVM heap size
b. Thread pool size
c. Connection pool size
d. Data source statement cache size
e. ORB pass by reference 

1A. JVM Heap size:
  Heap size is the most important tuning parameter related to JVM, as it directly influences the performance.

  • Having less Heap size makes the Garbage Collection (GC) to occur more frequently and less no of objects will be created in JVM and hence you may see application failures.

  • Increasing the Heap size makes more objects to be created before the application failure occurs and triggers a GC. This eventually enables the application to run more time between the GC cycles. But more heap size means more time for GC. Hence inthat period your application many not respond sometimes.
Another important parameter in JVM tuning is the garbage collection policy.
There 3 main GC policies are available:

  • Optthruput: performs the mark and sweep operations during garbage collection when the applicaiton is paused to maximize the application throughput. This is the default setting.

  • Optavgpause: performs the mark and sweep concurrently while the application is running to minimize pause times. This setting provides best application response times

  • Gencon: Treats short-lived and long-lived objects differently to provide a combination of lower pause times and high application throughput.
So tuning the JVM heap size and getting a balance between time between 2GCs and time needed for GC to occur, is important. The first step in tuning Heap size is to enable Verbose GC. Enabling verbose GC prints useful JVM information such as amount of free and used bytes in heap, interval between GCs. All this information will logged to native_stderr.logs. You can use various tools available to visualize the heap usage.

Websphere application server default heap settings are 50MB for initial heap and 256MB for maximum.

Note: What happens if we set initial and max heap sizes same?
This prevents JVM from dynamically resizing the heap. Also avoids overhead of allocating and de-allocating more memory. But the startup of JVM will be slower as it has to allocate the more heap at the startup.
Tools to analyze verbose GC output – IBM monitoring and diagnostic tools for Java – Garbage collection and memory visualizer tool (integrated in IBM support assistant).

B. Thread Pools:
A thread pool enables components of server to reuse the threads, thereby eliminating the need to create new threads at runtime to service each new request.
Most commonly used thread pools in application server are:

1. Default: used when requests come in for a message driven bean (MDB) or if a particular transport chain has not been defined to a specific thread pool.

2. ORB: used when remote requests come over RMI/IIOP for an enterprise bean from an EJB application client, remote EJB interface or another application server.

3. Web container: used when the requests come over http.

Tuning parameters for Thread pools:

- Minimum size: The minimum number of threads permitted in the pool. When an application server starts, no threads are initially assigned to the thread pool. Threads are added to the thread pool as the workload assigned to the application server requires them, until the number of threads in the pool equals the number specified in the minimum size field. After this point in time, additional threads are added and removed as the workload changes. However, the number of threads in the pool never decreases below the number specified in the minimum size field, even if some of the threads are idle.

- Maximum size: Specifies the maximum number of threads to maintain in the default thread pool.

- Thread inactivity timeout: Specifies the amount of inactivity (in milliseconds) that should elapse before a thread is reclaimed. A value of 0 indicates not to wait, and a negative value (less than 0) means to wait forever.

ThreadPool Minimum Maximun Inactivity Timeout
Default 20 20 5000ms
ORB 10 50 3500ms
Web Container 50 50 60000ms

WebSphere application servers Integrated Tivoli performance viewer lets you view the performance monitoring infrastructure (PMI) data associated with thread pools, if you’ve enabled the PMI.
In the Tivoli performance viewer, select the server and expand the parameters list. Go to performance modules->thread pools and select web container. You can see pool size which is average number of threads in the pool and active count which is number of concurrently active threads. Using this information you can decide how many threads are required in a pool. Also you can make use of performance advisors to get recommendations. 

1C. Connection pool

When an application uses a database resource, a connection must be established, maintained and then released when the operation is complete. These processes consume time and resources. The complexity of accessing data from web applications imposes a strain on the system.
An application server enables you to establish a pool of back-end connections that applications can share on the application server. Connection pooling spreads the connection overhead across several user requests, there by conserving application resources for further requests.
Connection pooling is the process of creating predefined number of database connections to a single data source. This process allows multiple users to share connections without requiring each user to incur the overhead of connecting and disconnecting from the database.
Tuning Options:

  • Minimum Connections: The minimum number of physical connections to maintain. If the size of the connection pool is at or below the minimum connection pool size, an unused timeout thread will not discard physical connections. However, the pool does not create connections solely to ensure that the minimum connection pool size is maintained.

  • Maximum Connections: The maximum number of physical connections that can be created in this pool. These are the physical connections to the back-end data store. When this number is reached, no new physical connections are created; requestors must wait until a physical connection that is currently in use is returned to the pool, or until a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException is thrown

  • Thread Inactivity timeout: Specifies the amount of inactivity (in milliseconds) that should elapse before a thread is reclaimed. A value of 0 indicates not to wait and a negative value means to wait forever.
The goal of tuning connection pool is to ensure that each thread that needs a connection to the database has one, and the requests are not queued up waiting to access the database. Since each thread performs a task, each concurrent thread needs a database connection.
· Generally, the maximum connection pool size should be at least as large as maximum size of the web container thread pool.
· Use the same method to both obtain and close the connections.
· Minimize the number of JNDI looksups.
· Do not declare connections as static objects.
· Do not close the connections in the finalize method
· If you open a connection, close the connection
· Do not manage data access in the container managed persistence (CMP) beans.

1D. Data source statement cache size

Data source statement cache size specifies the number of prepared JDBC statements that can be cached per connection. A callable statement removes the need for the SQL compilation process entirely by making a stored procedure call. A statement call is a class that can execute an arbitrary string that is passed to it. The SQL statement is compiled prior to execution, which is a slow process. Applications that repeatedly execute the same SQL statement can decrease processing time by using a prepared statement.
WebSphere application server data source optimizes the processing of prepared statements and callable statements by caching those statements that are being in an active connection.

One method is to review the application code for all unique prepared statements and ensure the cache size is larger than that value.
Second options is to iteratively increase the cache size and run the application under peak steady state load until PMI metrics report no more cache discards.

1E. ORB pass by reference

The ORB [object request broker] pass by reference option determines if pass by reference or pass by value semantics should be used when handling parameter objects involved in an EJB request. The ORB pass by reference option treats the invoked EJB method as a local call and avoids the requisite object copy.
The ORB pass by reference option will only provide a benefit when the EJB client and invoked EJB module are located within the same classloader. This means both EJB client and EJB module must be deployed in the same EAR file and running on the same application server instance. If the EJB client and EJB module are mapped to different application server instances, then the EJB module must be invoked remotely using pass by value semantics.
By default, this option is disabled and a copy of each parameter object is made and passed to the invoked EJB method.

2. Messaging/JMS components tuning

There are 2 configurations that can effect the performance of the messaging components in WebSphere
1. Message store type
2. Message reliability
2A. Message store type:
Message stores play an essential part in the operation of messaging engines. Each messaging engine has one and only one message store, which can be either a file store or a data store. A message store enables a messaging engine to preserve operating information and to retain those objects that messaging engines need for recovery in the event of a failure.

  • Local derby database: This is a local, in-process derby database used to store the operational information and messages associated with the messaging engine.  This is best suitable for development environments. This configuration uses memory within application server to manage the stored messages.

  • File based: This is the default option. If this is used, operating information and messages are persisted to the file system. If we are using faster disks or RAID etc, this can perform better than the derby database option.

  • Remote Database: In this, a database hosted on a different machine acts as a data store. This enables the application server JVM to free up the memory it used in case of Derby or file store configurations. This is the best option for Production environments.
Tuning Considerations:

  •    1. Better performance

    • To achieve best performance using a data store, you often need to use a separate remote database server. A file store can exceed the performance of a data store using a remote database server without needing a separate server.

  •    2. Low administration requirements

    • The file store combines high throughput with little or no administration. This makes it suitable for those who do not want to worry about where the messaging engine is storing its recoverable data. A file store improves on the throughput, scalability, and resilience of Derby.

  •    3. Lower deployment costs

    • Use of data store might require database administration to configure and manage your messaging engines. File store can be used in environments without a database server.

2B. Message reliability
Websphere provides 5 options for message reliability

  • Best effort non-persistent

    • Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable and as a result of constrained system resources.

  • Express non-persistent

    • Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails. Messages might also be discarded if a connection used to send them becomes unavailable.

  • Reliable non-persistent

    • Messages are discarded when a messaging engine stops or fails.

  • Reliable persistent

    • Messages might be discarded when a messaging engine fails.

  • Assured persistent

    • Messages are not discarded.
Persistent messages are always stored in some form of persistent store. Non-persistent messages are stored generally in volatile memory. Message reliability and message delivery speed are always inversely proportional. Means, non-persistent messages will be delivered fast but will not survive messaging engine stops, crash etc.. Where as persistent messages can survive but the delivery of the messages will be slow compared to non-persistent messages.
Refer to learn more about Message reliability:

3. Others

3A. Caching
Caching is always important in any performance tuning. Websphere servers provide some options for caching as well.

  • DynaCache provides in-memory caching service for objects and page fragments generated by the server.  The distributed map and distributedObjectCache interfaces can be used within an application to cache and share java objects by storing references to these objects in the cache.

  • Servlet caching enables servlet and JSP response to be stored and managed by a set of cache rules.
for more information on this topic: refer to ‘dynamic cahing‘ posted earlier.

3B. Disable unused services
Again this is generic for any performance tuning. Always turn-off the features which doesn’t require. This will make sure you use less memory to run your websphere. One such example is PMI. If you are using a third party application for monitoring and doesn’t need in-built PMI features, turn it off.

3C. Web Server
Try to keep the web server on a different machine, so that Websphere and Web server do not need to share the operating system resources like process. memory etc..

3D. Http transport connections
Persistent connections indicates that, an outgoing HTTP response should use a keep-alive connection instead of a connection that closes after one response or request exchange.  So, by increasing the maximum no of persistent requests per connection, we can see some performance gain. Also we can tune no of requests handled per connection. Sometimes, keeping a connection open can be a security concern.


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Stop and uninstall an application using wsadmin

Before the application can be unsinstalled it must be stopped.

1. Open wsadmin (with jython)
1.1 Go to "WebSphere_Profile_Root"/bin
1.2 Execute -lang jython
1.3 Enter UserID/Password (if promted)

2. Define needed cell and node variables
2. Execute
e.g.: nodename=NAME_OF_NODE)

3. Define application manager variable
3.1 Execut
3.2 To print out variable execute
print appManager
4. Assign application to variable
4.1 Execute
4.2 To print out variable execute
print app
5. Define application name to variable
5.1 Execute
5.2 To print out variable execute
print appName
6. Stop application
6.1 Execute
AdminControl.invoke(appManager,'stopApplication', appName)
7. Uninstall application
7.1 Execute
8. Save changes
8.1 Execute

It is easier to use administrative console :-)
<APP_SERVER_NAME> = Name of server (JVM) where the application is deployed
<NAME_OF_APPLICATION> = Name of the application (not the ear-files name)

Install and start an application using wsadmin

opy the application ear-file to <WAS_PROFILE_ROOT>/installableApps

1. Open wsadmin (with jython)
1.1 Go to "WebSphere_Profile_Root"/bin
1.2 Execute -lang jython
1.3 Enter UserID/Password (if promted)

2. Define needed cell and node variables
2. Execute
e.g.: nodename=NAME_OF_NODE)

3. Install application
3.1 Execute
AdminApp.install('../installableApps/<NAME_OF_EAR_FILE>',['-appname <NAME_OF_APPLICATION>'])

4. Save changes
4.1 Execute

5. Define application manager variable
5.1 Execute
5.2 To print out variable execute
print appManager
6. Assign application to variable
6.1 Execute
6.2 To print out variable execute
print app
7. Define application name to variable
7.1 Execute
7.2 To print out variable execute
print appName
8. Start application
8.1 Execute
AdminControl.invoke(appManager, 'startApplication',appName)

It is easier to use administrative console :-)
<APP_SERVER_NAME>= Name of server (JVM) where the application is deployed
<NAME_OF_APPLICATION> = Name of the application (not the ear-files name)

Export / Import LTPA-Keys for Single Sign On (SSO)

Sometimes its necessary to implement an SSO-Enviroment over different WebSphere-Cells (e.g. Production-Cell and Acceptance-Cell). To do this both cells need the same LTPA-Keys.
The synchronization of LTPA-Keys can be done over Admin-Console.

1. To Export LTPA-Keys from a Cell navigate to
Security > Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure > Authentication mechanisms and expiration.

2. Fill out the import/export-Form at the bottom of the page

and click "Export keys". The LTPA-Keys will be exported to the specified directory. (The Keys will be password protected.)

3. Copy the exported ltpa.jceks-File to other the Cell (do not override ltpa.jceks of this cell).

4. Take a look at ltpa.jceks-File of this cell and note the file-size.
File is located in /"websphere"/"dmgr"/config/cells/"cellname"/ltpa.jceks

5. To import the LTPA-Keys to other Cell navigate to
Security > Secure administration, applications, and infrastructure > Authentication mechanisms and expiration.

6. Fill out "Cross-cell Single sign on"-From and click "Import keys"

7. File size of ltpa.jceks-File of this Cell should now be increased.
Sometimes nothing happens to file size of ltpa.jceks-File and Cross-cell SSO will not work (WAS-Bug).
In this case just repeat the import.

8. Restart servers/node 

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Modifying the starting weight of applications using scripting (jython)

1. Update the starting weight of an Enterprise Application:

Note: Valid range for 'startingWeight': 0 and 2147483647

2. Update the class loader mode of an Enterprise Application:

Note: Valid values for 'mode' : PARENT_FIRST, PARENT_LAST

3. Update the WAR class loader policy of an Enterprise Application:

Note: Valid values for 'warClassLoaderPolicy':
SINGLE (Application), MULTIPLE (Module;default)

4. Update the starting weight of individual modules (Web or EJB) within an EAR -->

def modifyModStartingWeight(appName, modStWeight, modName):
    global AdminConfig
        refParam = "/Deployment:" + appName + "/"
        depRef = AdminConfig.getid(refParam)
        depObjectRef = AdminConfig.showAttribute(depRef, 'deployedObject')
        modules = AdminConfig.showAttribute(depObjectRef, 'modules')
        arrayModules = modules[1:len(modules)-1].split(" ")
        for module in arrayModules:
        tmpStr = AdminConfig.showAttribute(module,'uri')
                if tmpStr == modName:
                        AdminConfig.modify(module, [['startingWeight', modStWeight]])
                        print "New starting weight for " +
AdminConfig.showAttribute(module,'uri') + "is " +
        except:print " caught exception. \n"
    except: print "AdminConfig.modify(" + appName + ") caught 


Friday, March 12, 2010

New Rules For Cricket

I just got a mail forward from one of my friend.
After watching the test match, someone has written some rules have to be incorporated by ICC to give the other teams a perfect clarification

(1)    Ricky Ponting – (THE TRULY GENUINE CRICKETER OF THE CRICKET ERA AND WHOSE INTEGRITY SHOULD NOT BE DOUBTED) should be considered as the FOURTH UMPIRE. As per the new rules, FOURTH UMPIRE decision is final and will over ride any decisions taken by any other umpires. ON-FIELD umpires can seek the assistance of RICKY PONTING even if he is not on the field. This rule is to be made, so that every team should understand the importance of the FOURTH UMPIRE.

(2)    While AUSTRALIAN TEAM is bowling, If the ball flies anywhere close to the AUSTRALIAN FIELDER(WITHIN 5 metre distance), the batsman is to be considered OUT irrelevant of whether the catch was taken cleanly or grassed. Any decision for further clarification should be seeked from the FOURTH UMPIRE. This is made to ensure that the cricket is played with SPORTIVE SPIRIT by all the teams.

(3)    While BATTING, AUSTRALIAN players will wait for the ON-FIELD UMPIRE decisions only (even if the catch goes to the FIFTH SLIP as the ball might not have touched the bat). Each AUSTRALIAN batsman has to be out FOUR TIMES (minimum) before he can return to the pavilion. In case of THE CRICKETER WITH INTEGRITY, this can be higher.

(4)    UMPIRES should consider a huge bonus if an AUSTRALIAN player scores a century. Any wrong decisions can be ignored as they will be paid huge bonus and will receive the backing of the AUSTRALIAN team and board.

(5)    All AUSTRALIAN players are eligible to keep commenting about all players on the field and the OPPONENT TEAM should never comment as they will be spoiling the spirit of the AUSTRALIAN team. Any comments made in any other language are to be considered as RACIALISM only.

(6)    MATCH REFREE decisions will be taken purely on the AUSTRALIAN TEAM advices only. Player views from the other teams decisions will not be considered for hearing. MATCH REFREES are to be given huge bonus if this rule is implemented.

(7)    NO VISITING TEAM should plan to win in AUSTRALIA. This is to ensure that the sportive spirit of CRICKET is maintained.

(8)    THE MOST IMPORTANT RULE: If any bowler gets RICKY PONTING – “THE UNDISPUTED CRICKETER WITH INTEGTIRY IN THE GAME OF CRICKET” more than twice in a series, he will be banned for the REST OF THE SERIES. This is to ensure that the best batsman/Captain will be played to break records and create history in the game of CRICKET.

  These rules will clarify better to the all the teams VISITING AUSTRALIA.

Custom User Registry

To enable security in WebSphere Application Server, you need to logon to WAS admin console. The default URL for accessing WAS admin console would be http://localhost:9060/admin in your local machine. When the security is not enabled WAS would ask you for a username and you can provide any username you want. When enabling security in WAS 6.0 there are three different types of user registries available.
1. Custom User Registry
3. Local OS.
Here I will be talking about enabling security using Custom User Registry as the Active User Registry. The first step in enabling security using Custom user registry is to create one user file and a group file. The group file will be of the following format.

name:gid:users:display name
For eg:
admins:1:admin,admin1:Administrative group
operators:2:operator,operator1:Operators group

The groups file will be saved with name groups.props in directory D:\IBM\security.
Then create a users file using the following format.

name:passwd:uid:gids:display name
admin1:admin1:11:1:Admin 1

The users file will be saved with name users.props in directory D:\IBM\security. (This cane be any directory)
The next fist step is to click on Global Security link under security menu.

 The security configuration page opens up.

Once the security configuration page got opened click on Custom under user registries section. The custom user registry page opens.

Under general properties enter the server admin username and password you want and click on the custom properties link under Additional properties section. Click on new button in the custom properties page.

Enter groupsFile as the name and D:/IBM/security/groups.props as the value. Save the custom property value and create another custom property and enter usersFile as the name D:/IBM/security/users.props as the value. Save the values you will be returned to the custom properties page. Now the custom properties page would look like the one in the below picture.

Save the changes made and return to the security configuration page.
Now select custom user registry under active user registry and select the ‘Enable global security’ checkbox. Uncheck ‘Enforce Java 2 Security’

Save the changes. Restart your server. Once global security is enabled on the WAS server, we need to provide the admin username and password for starting and stopping the server. The command for starting the server once the security is enabled is
startServer.bat server1 -user admin -password admin
where server1 is the name of your server. If your server is integrated with an IDE like RAD, double click on the server from the server perspective and enter the username and password after selecting ’security is enabled on this server’ checkbox under security section in your server configuration window.


Memory leak detection and analysis in WebSphere Application Server: Part 1: Overview of memory leaks

Overview of memory leaks


WebSphere Cluster Member crashed

Have you ever been asked this question in the interview?
how do you find out which cluster member was crashed/down?
The general answer we give is to go to administration console and check the individual server status or the cluster member status.
The other option is to use a third-party monitoring tool such as ITCAM, wily introscope, UniCenter and Nagios etc..
Have you ever checked the system.out log file of any individual server when one of the cluster member was stopped?
WebSphere has Distribution & Consistency Services (DCS), which is a part of the HA architecture. Using these DCS messages we can find which member of the cluster is down.
Here is an example:

I’ve a cell with name Test-Cell, which has a cluster with 6nodes each having 2 servers.
I’ve stopped one of cluster members. Then if you see the System.Out log file, you see message similar to the below:
[3/3/10 18:00:37:758 CET] 00000026 RoleMember    W   DCSV8104W: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Removing member [Test-Cell\node02\server02] because the member was requested to be removed  by member Test-Cell\node02\server01. Internal details VL suspects others: CC-Situation Normal
[3/3/10 18:00:38:176 CET] 00000023 VSyncAlgo1    I   DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (22898:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). The internal details are None.
[3/3/10 18:00:38:207 CET] 00000023 VSyncAlgo1    I   DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (331:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). The internal details are None.
[3/3/10 18:00:38:537 CET] 00000024 CoordinatorIm I   HMGR0218I: A new core group view has been installed. The core group is DefaultCoreGroup.
[3/3/10 18:00:39:228 CET] 00000026 DataStackMemb I   DCSV8050I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: New view installed, identifier (332:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01), view size is 11 (AV=11, CD=12, CN=12, DF=12)
[3/3/10 18:00:39:343 CET] 00000021 DRSBuddyManag A   CWWDR0006I:  Replication instance terminated : Test-Cell\node02\server02

So, from the above messages, it is clear that server02 of Node02 was down and is removed from the coregroup.
After some troubleshooting/changes, i started the server which was down earlier. Now, if you observe the SystemOut.log, you can see the following:
[3/3/10 18:17:13:245 CET] 00000026 RoleMember    I   DCSV8051I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Core group membership set changed. Added: [Test-Cell\node02\server02].
[3/3/10 18:17:13:315 CET] 00000023 MbuRmmAdapter I   DCSV1032I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Connected a defined member Test-Cell\node02\server02.
[3/3/10 18:17:30:337 CET] 00000023 VSyncAlgo1    I   DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (333:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). The internal details are None.
[3/3/10 18:17:30:353 CET] 00000026 DataStackMemb I   DCSV8050I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: New view installed, identifier (334:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01), view size is 12 (AV=12, CD=12, CN=12, DF=12)
[3/3/10 18:17:30:354 CET] 00000027 DRSBuddyManag A   CWWDR0007I:  Replication instance group membership changed: Test-Cell\node02\server02
[3/3/10 18:17:30:356 CET] 00000027 DRSBuddyManag A   CWWDR0002I: Replication instance is active : Test-Cell\node02\server02
[3/3/10 18:17:30:358 CET] 00000010 ViewReceiver  I   DCSV1033I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Confirmed all new view members in view identifier (334:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). View channel type is View|Ptp.
You can a meesage which is showing that it added a new member to the coregroup.

About DCS:
There are two main versions of DCS: Core DCS and Data DCS. There is one Core DCS per process and it provides membership services among peer processes. These processes together form a Core Group. A process may be a member in one or more named Core Groups. Applications running on these processes can be members of application groups. Application groups are subsets of a particular named core group. A Data DCS component can be associated with each member of an application group.
DCS provides a mechanism for communicating information (distribution) among members with a given quality of service. Failure detection mechanisms that support and allow guaranteed quality of service are an inherent part of DCS and its services. DCS supports WebSphere components’ state replication requirements (like http session and stateful beans) as well as the distribution and synchronization of WebSphere artifacts for performance, scalability, and availability.
I’ll soon write about ‘Core Groups” of WebSphere to understand the DCS and high availability architecture of the WebSphere.


WebSphere Core Groups

What is a core group?

A core group encapsulates processes in a Network Deployment cell to create high availability domains.
A core group is a grouping of WebSphere Application Server cell processes. A core group can contain standalone servers, cluster members, node agents, and the deployment manager. A core group must contain at least one node agent or the deployment manager.
DefaultCoreGroup is a core group that is created by default at installation time and can be used out-of-the-box; that is, all processes will know about each other.
1. A core group cannot extend beyond a cell
2. All JVMs in a core group must able to communicate (they use heartbeat messages to know each other)

Core group coordinator

Once the core group stabilizes at runtime, one of the member will be elected to act as an coordinator. That member called as Coregroup coordinator is responsible for managing the high availability with in that core group.
1. It maintains all group information like group name, members and policy of the group
2. It maintains a record state of the group members as they start, stop or fail
3. Assigning singleton services to group members and handling failover based on policy specified.
We can change the default core group coordinator by going to:
servers –>coregroups->coregroup settings->Default Coregroup ->preferred coordinator servers.
When a member becomes active coordinator, you can see the following messages in the SystemOut:
[3/3/10 18:00:37:758 CET] 00000013 CoordinatorIm I HMGR0206I: The Coordinator is an Active Coordinator for core group DefaultCoreGroup.
If a member was failed/stopped in the core group:
[3/3/10 18:00:37:758 CET] 00000026 RoleMember    W   DCSV8104W: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Removing member [Test-Cell\node02\server02] because the member was requested to be removed  by member Test-Cell\node02\server01. Internal details VL suspects others: CC-Situation Normal
[3/3/10 18:00:38:176 CET] 00000023 VSyncAlgo1    I   DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (22898:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). The internal details are None.
[3/3/10 18:00:38:207 CET] 00000023 VSyncAlgo1    I   DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (331:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). The internal details are None.
[3/3/10 18:00:38:537 CET] 00000024 CoordinatorIm I   HMGR0218I: A new core group view has been installed. The core group is DefaultCoreGroup.
[3/3/10 18:00:39:228 CET] 00000026 DataStackMemb I   DCSV8050I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: New view installed, identifier (332:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01), view size is 11 (AV=11, CD=12, CN=12, DF=12)
[3/3/10 18:00:39:343 CET] 00000021 DRSBuddyManag A   CWWDR0006I:  Replication instance terminated : Test-Cell\node02\server02
If a new member joins the core group, you can see the following message
[3/3/10 18:17:13:245 CET] 00000026 RoleMember    I   DCSV8051I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Core group membership set changed. Added: [Test-Cell\node02\server02].
[3/3/10 18:17:13:315 CET] 00000023 MbuRmmAdapter I   DCSV1032I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: Connected a defined member Test-Cell\node02\server02.
[3/3/10 18:17:30:337 CET] 00000023 VSyncAlgo1    I   DCSV2004I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: View synchronization completed successfully. The View Identifier is (333:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01). The internal details are None.
[3/3/10 18:17:30:353 CET] 00000026 DataStackMemb I   DCSV8050I: DCS Stack DefaultCoreGroup.TestRepln at Member Test-Cell\node01\server01: New view installed, identifier (334:0.Test-Cell\node02\server01), view size is 12 (AV=12, CD=12, CN=12, DF=12)
What happens when coordinator went down?
When the active coordinator is not available (stopped/crashed), the HA manager will elect the first inactive server in the preferred coordinator servers list. If preferred list is not specified, it will select lexically lowest named server.
The newly selected coordinator initiates a state rebuild by sending a message to all core group members to report their states.

Core group settings

1. Number of coordinators
Specifies the number of coordinators for this core group. The default value is one coordinator, although multiple coordinators are advisable for large core groups. All of the group data must fit in the memory of the allocated coordinators. One coordinator can run out of memory in a system with a large core group, which can cause the system to work improperly.
2. Transport type
Specifies the transport mechanism to use for communication between members of a core group.
Channel framework
Channel framework is the default transport type. It uses the channel framework service to incorporate port reusability and shared port technology into the communication system.
Unicast is a targeted network model that focuses on a direct recipient for communication. This type of communication is most suitable when the intended message is sent to a specific set of recipients.
Multicast consists of a broadcast network model. This model broadcasts communication across the defined network, depending upon the values that are provided for the multicast settings. Multicast settings are suitable when there are many recipients for the intended message; otherwise broadcast communication tends to overload the network with traffic, and can impact performance goals.
3. Channel chain name
Specifies the name of the channel chain if you select channel framework for the transport type.
If you select Multicast transport type
  • Multicast port
    The port setting tells the coordinator where to scan for transmissions. When setting this value, verify that you are specifying a port that is not used by another network communication device. Setting a port value that has conflicts causes problems with your high availability manager infrastructure.
  • Multicast group IP start
    Specify the starting Internet Protocol (IP) address of the intended communication area.
  • Multicast group IP end
    Specify the ending IP address of the intended communication area. Plan the network to accommodate scalability.
4. Additional Properties
Core group servers
Specifies the server processes that belong to the core group. Server processes include the deployment manager, node agents, application servers, and cluster members. You can use the panel that displays to move server processes to a different core group.
Use to define the policies that determine which members of a high availability group are made active.
Preferred coordinator servers
Specifies which core group servers are preferred coordinator servers.

Core Group policies:

Servers > Core groups > Core group settings > New or existing core group > Policies.

Policy types
All active The All active policy indicates that the high availability manager keeps all of the application components that are running on all of the servers in the high availability group active at all times
M of N The M of N policy is similar to the One of N policy. However, it enables you to specify the number (M) of high availability group members that you want to keep active if it is possible to do so. The number of active members must be greater than one and less than or equal to the number of servers in the high availability group. If the number of active servers is set to one, this policy is a match for the One of N policy
No Operation The No operation policy indicates that no high availability group members are made active
One of N The One of N policy keeps one member of the high availability group active at all times. This is used by groups that desire singleton failover. If a failure occurs, the high availability manager starts the singleton on another server
Static The Static policy allows you to statically define or configure the active members of the high availability group
Match Criteria
Specifies one or more name-value pairs that are used to associate this policy with a high availability group. These pairs must match attributes that are contained in the name of a high availability group before this policy is associated with that group.

Is alive timer
In seconds, the interval of time at which the high availability manager will check the health of the active group members that are governed by this policy. If a group member has failed, the server on which the group member resides is restarted.
Specifies whether quorum checking is enabled for a group governed by this policy. Quorum is a mechanism that can be used to protect resources that are shared across members of the group in the event of a failure. The quorum mechanism is designed to work in conjunction with a hardware control facility that allows application servers to be shut down if a failure causes the group to be partitioned.
note: The Quorum setting in the policy will only have an effect if the following items are true:
* The group members are also cluster members.
* GroupName.WAS_CLUSTER=clustername must be specified as a property in the group name of any high availability group matching this policy.
Fail back
Specifies whether work items assigned to the failing server are moved to the server that is designated as the most preferred server for the group if a failure occurs. This field only applies for M of N and One of N policies.
Preferred servers only
Specifies whether group members are only activated on servers that are on the list of preferred servers for this group. This field only applies for M of N and One of N policies.

Core group servers:


Use this to move servers into a different core group. All members of a cluster must be in the same core group. If you select one or more members of a cluster, all of the members of that cluster must be moved.

Preferred coordinator servers:



Use Add and Remove to move servers into and out of the list of preferred servers. Use Move up and Move down to adjust the order within the list of preferred servers. Make sure that the most preferred server is at the top of the list and the least preferred server is at the bottom.

Core group member Failure detection

HA manager monitors all the core group members. It uses 2 settings to detect the failure
1. Active failure detection
If the heartbeat from a JVM is failing for specified interval of time, then it will be marked as failed. When using default settings, heartbeats are sent every 10sec and 20times (200sec) should be failed before marking the JVM as failed. When a JVM is marked as failed, a new view is installed and you can see that in the SystemOut log.
2. TCP Keep Alive
If one member is not able to contact other member, and if gets closed socket error, it will signal the other members to treat that member as failed. Say, if one jvm is panics or network issue etc, as soon as the TCP settings allow, the failure will be detected.
Note: TCP Keep alive setting is of the operating system.
About DCS and finding which core group member crashed/stopped. Here




Quick hit JVM heap size change

I was tasked to change the JVM heap size in approximately 2,500 servers today. I created a quick little script that I will share for you.

# Update the Heap size
# Mike Huffsteder 5/5/2008
# ./ -lang jython -f

as = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:YOUR_CELL_NAME/Node:YOUR_NODE_NAME/Server:YOUR_SERVER_NAME/')
jvm = AdminConfig.list('JavaVirtualMachine', as)
AdminConfig.modify(jvm, [['initialHeapSize', '512'], ['maximumHeapSize', "768"]])
# set the newly saved config to variables to place entries in logging
i = AdminConfig.showAttribute(jvm, "initialHeapSize")
m = AdminConfig.showAttribute(jvm, "maximumHeapSize")
print "The initial heap size is now" + i
print "The max heap size is now" + m

Of course, you can change the heap to whatever size you would like.

wsadmin rotate jvm log files

Simple, working, rotates logs at 10mb saving max 5 files.

# Setup WAS Log file rotations
# for yourserver
# 9/10/2008
# Mike Huffsteder - WTA
# Implement:
# ./ -lang jython -f $FILE_LOCATION/ >> $TO_LOG_FILE
# You can add this as you have other scripts in the deployment script
# if you need help please let me know.

print "Changing the SystemOut & SystemErr log file rotation settings"
var1 = AdminConfig.getid('/Cell:yourcell/Node:yournode/Server:yourserver/')

log = AdminConfig.showAttribute(var1, 'outputStreamRedirect')
log2 = AdminConfig.showAttribute(var1, 'errorStreamRedirect')

AdminConfig.modify(log, '[[rolloverSize 10] [maxNumberOfBackupFiles 5]]')
AdminConfig.modify(log2,'[[rolloverSize 10] [maxNumberOfBackupFiles 5]]')

print "New SystemOut settings 9-10-08""\n")
print "New SystemErr settings 9-10-08""\n")

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Analyze JVM Logs

ystemOut.log and SystemErr.log files are text files so you can view them using simple text editor.
The Application server writes formatted messages to the SystemOut.log file and this is how a sample log message looks like

[7/2/09 9:12:22:645 PDT] 00000017 ApplicationMg A WSVR0221I: Application started: SchedulerCalendars

Each entry can be deciphered as follows

  • Time Stamp: The first part of the log message in sample code is [7/2/09 9:12:22:645 PDT]. It is the time stamp when the message was written. The time stamp is formatted using the locale of the process and it is 24 hour time stamp with milli-second precision

  • Thread ID: The next part in the log message is 00000017, which represents the thread id. The thread ID is an eight-character hexadecimal value that is generated from the hash code of the thread that issued the message

  • Short name: The short name is the abbreviated name of the component that issued the message. This name is typically the class name of a WAS component and would be some other identifier for the application. In our sample the ApplicationMg is component name

  • Event Type: The event type is a one character field that indicates the type of the message. The possible values are

    • F- Fatal message

    • E- Error message

    • W- Warning message

    • A- Audit message

    • I- Informational message

    • C- Configuration message

    • D- detail message

    • O- Messages that are written directly to System.out by an application or server component

    • R- Messages that are written directly to System.err by the user application or internal component.

    • Z- Place holder to indicate type was not recognized

    In my sample message A indicates this is audit message

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

.ear files deployment descriptor

The deployment descriptor of the EAR file is stored in the META-INF directory in the root of the EAR and is called application.xml. It contains information about the modules that makeup the application.

I have a HelloWorld.ear that contains one HelloWorldEJB module, which is a EJB project and HelloWorldWeb module which is a web module. The HelloWorldWeb module calls methods of HelloWorldEJB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application id="Application_ID" version="1.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
 <module id="EjbModule_1251662896937">
 <module id="WebModule_1251663065906">

In addition to the standard J2EE deployment descriptors, EAR files produced by the Application Server Toolkit can also include additional WebSphere-specific information used when deploying applications to WebSphere environments. This supplemental information is stored in files called ibm-xxx-xxx-xxx.xmi, also in the META-INF directory.

WebSphere Application Server V6.0 and V6.1 can also store deployment-related information (such as data sources, class loader settings, and so on) as part of an Enhanced EAR file. This information is stored in an ibmconfig subdirectory of the EAR file’s META-INF directory.

Trouble shooting errors during profile creation

The successful installation of the Network Deployment product is a two-part process:

  • The first step is using the installation wizard to install a shared set of core product files.

  • The second step is to create a deployment manager profile, an application server profile, or a custom profile.
If the installation failed during the creation of profile then check app_server_root/logs/manageprofiles/<profilename>_create.log for further information on what went wrong. The <profilename>_create.log file is an XML file that contains a record of the events that occur during the creation of the last profile.

In addition to the logs created within the core product files, the following logs are created in the app_server_root/logs/manageprofiles/profile_name directory.

  • activity.log: Compiled activity log from various installation activities

  • amjrte_config.log: Tivoli Access Manager configuration log for its Java Runtime Environment

  • collect_metadata.log: Collects metadata information about managed objects in the system to evaluate and prevent potential installation conflicts

  • createDefaultServer.log: A log from wsadmin recording the creation of the server1 process in the default profile

  • createshortcutforprofile.log:Windows tool log for creating menu entries and shortcuts

  • defaultapp_config.log:JACL script log from configuring default application resources

  • defaultapp_deploy.log:Application DefaultApplication installation log

  • node_name Service.log:Start and stop events for server1

  • filetransfer_config.log:Application filetransfer installation log

  • hamanager_config.log: Configuration log for the high availability application

  • ivt_config.log:Application ivtApp installation log

  • mejb_config.log: Application ManagementEJB installation log

  • query_config.log: Application Query installation log

  • samples_config.log: Configuration log for the PlantsByWebSphere Samples application

  • samples_install.log: Installation log for the SamplesGallery and PlantsByWebSphere Samples applications

  • scheduler.cal_config.log: Application SchedulerCalendars installation log

  • SIBDefineChains.log: Creation log for service integration bus endpoints, inbound channels and channel chains, outbound thread pool, and outbound channel and channel chains

  • SIBDeployRA.log: Deployment log for the service integration bus function

  • webui_config.log: Application administrative console installation log
The no. and logs that get created might vary based on the profile that your creating. The same set of logs get created irrespective of how your creating profile, i.e. either at the time of installation, using Profile Management tool or using the manageprofile command.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Interview questions

What is deadlock?When two threads are waiting for each other and can’t proceed until the first thread obtains a lock on the other thread or vice versa, the program is said to be in a deadlock.

What are synchronized methods and synchronized statements?Synchronized methods are methods that are used to control access to an object. A thread only executes a synchronized method after it has acquired the lock for the method's object or class. Synchronized statements are similar to synchronized methods. A synchronized statement can only be executed after a thread has acquired the lock for the object or class referenced in the synchronized statement.

What is the difference between process and thread?A thread is a separate path of execution in a program. A Process is a program in execution.

What do you understand by Synchronization?
What is synchronization and why is it important?
Describe synchronization in respect to multithreading?
What is synchronization?
With respect to multithreading, Synchronization is a process of controlling the access of shared resources by the multiple threads in such a manner that only one thread can access a particular resource at a time. In non synchronized multithreaded application, it is possible for one thread to modify a shared object while another thread is in the process of using or updating the object's value. Synchronization prevents such type of data corruption which may otherwise lead to dirty reads and significant errors.

E.g. synchronizing a function:
public synchronized void Method1 ()
// method code.
E.g. synchronizing a block of code inside a function:
public Method2 (){
synchronized (this) {
// synchronized code here.

Java Garbage Collection

Explain Garbage collection mechanism in Java?
Garbage collection is one of the most important features of Java. The purpose of garbage collection is to identify and discard objects that are no longer needed by a program so that their resources can be reclaimed and reused. A Java object is subject to garbage collection when it becomes unreachable to the program in which it is used. Garbage collection is also called automatic memory management as JVM automatically removes the unused variables/objects (value is null) from the memory. Every class inherits finalize() method from java.lang.Object, the finalize() method is called by garbage collector when it determines no more references to the object exists. In Java, it is good idea to explicitly assign null into a variable when no more in use. In Java on calling System.gc() and Runtime.gc(), JVM tries to recycle the unused objects, but there is no guarantee when all the objects will garbage collected. Garbage collection is an automatic process and can't be forced. There is no guarantee that Garbage collection will start immediately upon request of System.gc().

What kind of thread is the Garbage collector thread?It is a daemon thread.

Can an object’s finalize() method be invoked while it is reachable?An object’s finalize() method cannot be invoked by the garbage collector while the object is still reachable. However, an object’s finalize() method may be invoked by other objects.

Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory?Garbage collection does not guarantee that a program will not run out of memory. It is possible for programs to use up memory resources faster than they are garbage collected. It is also possible for programs to create objects that are not subject to garbage collection.

What is the purpose of finalization?The purpose of finalization is to give an unreachable object the opportunity to perform any cleanup, before the object gets garbage collected. For example, closing an opened database Connection.

If an object is garbage collected, can it become reachable again?Once an object is garbage collected, It can no longer become reachable again.

Friday, March 5, 2010

WMSG1603E - An error occurred trying to read the bundle

WMSG1603E - An error occurred trying to read the bundle

I encountered a strange error this weekend whilst installing multiple fix packs across numerous WAS systems. Despite installing these fixes numerous times, this error only occurred on one system.

I was upgrading from WAS to - that included WAS, SDK, IHS and Plugin fixes.

After installing the fix packs when I restarted the server I got the following error:

WMSG1603E: An internal error occurred. It was not possible to register the WebSphere MQ JMS client with the application serve

r due to exception org.osgi.framework.BundleException: An error occurred trying to read the bundle

followed by a java stack which included the following:

WMSG1603E: An internal error occurred. It was not possible to register the WebSphere MQ JMS client with the application serve

r due to exception org.osgi.framework.BundleException: An error occurred trying to read the bundle

A quick search and the reason was obvious. This WAS system does not run as root but when I checked the file permissions on the org.osgi.framework bundles in {WAS_INSTALL_DIR}/profiles/{PROFILE_NAME}/configuration the bundle in question was owned by root:

drwxr-x--- 2 wasadm wasadm 256 07 Feb 10:25 org.eclipse.update

drwxr-xr-x 4 root system 256 07 Feb 10:26 org.eclipse.osgi

drwxr-x--- 3 wasadm wasadm 256 04 Jan 11:24 org.eclipse.core.runtime

A quick change of permissions on the directory and all sub directories followed by a restart and everything came up fine.