Wednesday, March 10, 2010

.ear files deployment descriptor

The deployment descriptor of the EAR file is stored in the META-INF directory in the root of the EAR and is called application.xml. It contains information about the modules that makeup the application.

I have a HelloWorld.ear that contains one HelloWorldEJB module, which is a EJB project and HelloWorldWeb module which is a web module. The HelloWorldWeb module calls methods of HelloWorldEJB

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<application id="Application_ID" version="1.4" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
 <module id="EjbModule_1251662896937">
 <module id="WebModule_1251663065906">

In addition to the standard J2EE deployment descriptors, EAR files produced by the Application Server Toolkit can also include additional WebSphere-specific information used when deploying applications to WebSphere environments. This supplemental information is stored in files called ibm-xxx-xxx-xxx.xmi, also in the META-INF directory.

WebSphere Application Server V6.0 and V6.1 can also store deployment-related information (such as data sources, class loader settings, and so on) as part of an Enhanced EAR file. This information is stored in an ibmconfig subdirectory of the EAR file’s META-INF directory.

Trouble shooting errors during profile creation

The successful installation of the Network Deployment product is a two-part process:

  • The first step is using the installation wizard to install a shared set of core product files.

  • The second step is to create a deployment manager profile, an application server profile, or a custom profile.
If the installation failed during the creation of profile then check app_server_root/logs/manageprofiles/<profilename>_create.log for further information on what went wrong. The <profilename>_create.log file is an XML file that contains a record of the events that occur during the creation of the last profile.

In addition to the logs created within the core product files, the following logs are created in the app_server_root/logs/manageprofiles/profile_name directory.

  • activity.log: Compiled activity log from various installation activities

  • amjrte_config.log: Tivoli Access Manager configuration log for its Java Runtime Environment

  • collect_metadata.log: Collects metadata information about managed objects in the system to evaluate and prevent potential installation conflicts

  • createDefaultServer.log: A log from wsadmin recording the creation of the server1 process in the default profile

  • createshortcutforprofile.log:Windows tool log for creating menu entries and shortcuts

  • defaultapp_config.log:JACL script log from configuring default application resources

  • defaultapp_deploy.log:Application DefaultApplication installation log

  • node_name Service.log:Start and stop events for server1

  • filetransfer_config.log:Application filetransfer installation log

  • hamanager_config.log: Configuration log for the high availability application

  • ivt_config.log:Application ivtApp installation log

  • mejb_config.log: Application ManagementEJB installation log

  • query_config.log: Application Query installation log

  • samples_config.log: Configuration log for the PlantsByWebSphere Samples application

  • samples_install.log: Installation log for the SamplesGallery and PlantsByWebSphere Samples applications

  • scheduler.cal_config.log: Application SchedulerCalendars installation log

  • SIBDefineChains.log: Creation log for service integration bus endpoints, inbound channels and channel chains, outbound thread pool, and outbound channel and channel chains

  • SIBDeployRA.log: Deployment log for the service integration bus function

  • webui_config.log: Application administrative console installation log
The no. and logs that get created might vary based on the profile that your creating. The same set of logs get created irrespective of how your creating profile, i.e. either at the time of installation, using Profile Management tool or using the manageprofile command.